Thursday, February 17, 2011

TerreStar Networks Inc. Bankruptcy - What is the Real Story. Philip Falcone - LightSquared, Charles Ergen EchoStar - Dish Network.

More on the Massive Smoke and Mirrors in the Wireless, Broadband, Satellite Subscription, Spectrum Bankruptcy Drama over TerreStar Networks Inc. AND DBSD North America.

Did Any of the Bidders in the DBSD North America Bankruptcy or the Terrestar Bankruptcy Have Inside Documents, not available to the Public ?

Were their Inside, undisclosed Connections and Conflicts of interest with Echostar, Charles Ergen, Dish Network or With Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital in Connection with Bidding on Bankruptcy Assets of the DBSD North America Bankruptcy or the Terrestar Bankruptcy ?

Why Today is TerreStar Networks Inc REALLY backing off of EchoStar (Dish Network) Plan? I believe there is a whole lot more to this Story? Political Favors, Bribes ?? Pay Offs ?? Conflicts of Interest?? Inside Information..

The Latest on the DBSD North America Bankruptcy seems to be that Charles Ergen, Dish Network, Echostar will buy DBSD North America for 1 Billion Dollar and that once this DBSD North America bankruptcy buy is complete then AT&T will buy Dish Network, Echostar, and DBSD North America. Was there any Secret Handshakes, Back Alley Deals, Conflicts of Interest or Inside Information on this one? I Say THERE Certainly had to Be.

EchoStar Got Hughes, so Does Lightsquared Get TerreStar? I mean it is all a game for Zillionaires Right ?

Who Really did Bid on DBSD and Terre Star ?

Were there Inside Connections, Information Leaked to Either Charles Ergen or Philip Falcone?

"Falcone’s LightSquared May Bid for TerreStar, DBSD"
IS Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital, Lightsquared Bidding on TerreStar and DBSD or Not?

Does Charles Ergen - Dish Network, EchoStar or Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital, Lightsquared have inside information that is not "available to the public" on the DBSD North America Bankruptcy or the TerreStar Corp. Bankruptcy ?

I Believe that from my "Investigations" of Craig McCaw, the Founder of DBSD North America, CO Global Communication, XO Communication and Clearwire Corp. - I Believe there is inside information and their is Money that will be made from Insiders Like Craig McCaw.

As it is Said that AT&T Will Buy Dish Network AFTER they Gain Control of DBSD and Terrestar, this affected stocks as a rumor already. Craig McCaw is VERY Connected to AT&T I believe Craig McCaw is in on all this and will Make Billions, and that No Where near ALL has been disclosed in just how "IN" Craig McCaw really is.

What About Today's Headlines of DBSD Scraps EchoStar Plan - What Does This Really Mean, and What Connections to the Blackstone Group 0r TerreStar do other "Bidders" REALLY Have?
Is this yet another Media staged event so you won't be surprised who gets the Bid and why?

Are there Really any "Whitehouse Favors" in any of this as suggested at one point by Ken Boehm - Chairman, National Legal and Policy Center? We know that The Whitehouse is "in bed with Intel" and that Clearwire is Heavily Connected to Intel, and that other bidders want to take it easy on Intel Corp - INTC.

Headlines Keep Saying, "Falcone’s LightSquared May Bid for TerreStar, DBSD" - I mean come on Did Philip Falcone Bid on TerreStar or NOT ? What is Really Going ON, Fully Documented Offers for TerreStar were Due Last Monday, Feb 7th Right ?

Also Note the Foley and Lardner Connection on Page 2
" Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Indenture Trustee for the Debtors’ 6.5% Senior Exchangeable Notes and Foley & Lardner LLP as counsel to the Indenture Trustee
Foley and Lardner was involved in a 13 Trillion Dollar Technology Theft over the iViewit Stolen Technology. There is massive Proof of Corruption against Foley and Lardner and they to control the US Court System and Judges.

Intel Corp Uses this Technology and is So Far protected by Corruption U.S. Courts
Time Warner, Warner Bros, AOL Uses this Technology and even signed per minute licensing agreements over a decade ago, as well as they Signed Non-Disclosure Aggrements, they have yet to be made accountable. The Time Warner General Counsel that KNOWS of this Massive Fraud is now the General Counsel at LightSquared ( Curtis Lu )

Is Anyone at the The BlackStone Group (Thomas Middleton or Daniel Chang, 345 Park Avenue NY) Connected to Insiders at DBSD North America, CO Global Communication, Clearwire Corp., AT&T, EchoStar, Lightsquared, Harbinger Capital (45o Park Avenue NY) ? More on that Coming Soon - Got a Tip ?

So a "Bondholder", can Bid on a Company in Crisis... Did TerreStar plan to go Down long Ago? what is the Real Back Story to the TerreStar Bankruptcy and the Ulimate Plan of WHO Really will Control TerreStar

Quote Below ...

" Billionaire money manager Philip Falcone 's big bet on a high-speed wireless network, which has led him to mortgage many of his flagship fund's key assets, could soon look even dicier as one of its cornerstone telecom investments teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, says Reuters.

Upstart telecom firm TerreStar Corp, which Falcone's Harbinger Capital Partners fund had invested in and which had been slated to provide some of the infrastructure for his ambitious satellite-based wireless network, recently warned that it lacks sufficient cash and financing to pay for all of its third-quarter expenses – which means it may have to file for a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.

A TerreStar Bankruptcy filing could come soon if TerreStar can't reach a restructuring agreement with its bondholders, which includes funds managed by Falcone's Harbinger Capital Partners, said people familiar with the company's situation. "

So TerreStar did not "Reach" a Restructuring Agreement, and then the Bondholders involved in Terrestar Not Reaching An Agreement gets to bid on taking over the Company.

Did ANY of the TerreStar Bidders Receive ANY information that was NOT public or available to All Terrestar Bidders? I Think So... Matter Of FACT, I Allege So..


Has any Terre Star Insider Bidders Seen this
Motion to Seal - Loral Space and Communications LTD (Debtors, Debtors in Possession) -
So was this another Chapter 11 involving TerreStar? Was there any Back End Deal on This?
Click Here for Document - Got a Tip?

Loral Space controls a large percentage of Telesat Canada.

Was there Really any Lobbying that Led any of These "Favors" from any Government Agency - What is the Truth?

Is there anything to Any of these Documents

TerreStar, TerreStar Networks Inc is the Parent Company of Elektrobit Inc. - So does control in Terre Star Get Control in Elektrobit Inc. ? This are all very big and connected companies - Look Deep

Letter from Danny Price, Director of Spectrum and Communication Policy at the Department of Defense to Assistant Secretary Strickling.

Ken Boehm Letter to House Comm. On Government Oversight and Reform.

Was this one a Staged Media Event in Order to make it look slow that they were Flat Out Sending EchoStar and DISH Down the Road?


All this is boiling down to what you pay for your Satellite Subscription, your Use of Broadband - the Spectrum - the Internet. It Comes Down to Wholesaled 4G, Spectrum to Places like Walmart by folks Like LightSquared.

IS Walmart Teaming up with T-Mobile? Is Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Teamed up with T-Mobile and will Walmart be Selling "Spectrum" that they buy Wholesale from Lightsquared?

What Part Does Phillip Humm, T-Mobile - Really Play in ALL this?

What Part Does Sprint Nextel Corp. Really Play in All this ?

Got a Tip?

CLWR‎ - Clearwire Corporation (NASDAQ), EchoStar Corp-A (SATS:US), DISH‎ - DISH Network Corp. (NASDAQ)‎, HUGH Stock, SPRINT NEXTEL CORP (S:US, T-Mobile USA Inc, Walmart (WMT),Hedge Fund Alert, TerreStar Corp (TSTR), Eagle River Investments LLC, The BlackStone Group, Taconic, Taconic Capital Advisors LP (450 Park Avenue), T- Mobile,
, Deutsche Telekom (DTEGY),Arik Preis of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feldas, US:S - Sprint Nextel Corp. , NASDAQ: LORL, Bernard L. Schwartz

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wim Sweldens, VP of Bell Labs' Alcatel-Lucent Ventures

"Net neutrality, Alcatel-Lucent style

Alcatel-Lucent hasn't officially gotten caught up in this week's brouhaha over the FCC's plan to formalize net neutrality rules. However, that doesn't mean the company doesn't have a big stake in the issue.

Wim Sweldens, VP of Bell Labs' Alcatel-Lucent Ventures and in essence Alcatel-Lucent's CTO, said in an interview with Network World this week at the EmTech@MIT event in Cambridge, Mass., that Alcatel-Lucent's mission involves not just serving the traditional carriers it has supplied with equipment for years but also the new application and content providers, such as those offering social networks.

"There's tension. People use derogatory terms like 'dumb pipes' for carriers and 'over-the-top' players for Web 2.0 companies," Wim Sweldens says, citing ongoing debate. "Today, there's not a well-oiled value-chain between the Web 2.0 companies and the telcos, but there needs to be."

Also from EmTech: OnLive's CEO: "In a lot of ways, we've solved cloud computing."

Part of the trick, Wim Sweldens says, is exposing the call control and other sorts of technologies that lie beneath the surface of wired and wireless networks so that application and content developers can exploit them, such as to build proximity-based services and services like network-based address books.

Carriers also need to get more visibility into their own networks so that traffic such as peer-to-peer file sharing is seen as an opportunity, not a threat, Wim Sweldens says. "People use P2P because they find it useful," he says. "So what can we do to improve the end user experience while also dramatically reducing load on the network?"

Carriers also need to bolster their networks to handle traffic from a society that increasingly is communicating via images and video, according to Alcatel-Lucent.

CEO Ben Verwaayen told attendees at EmTech: "[The next generation doesn't] use words at all. If you find five words written on one line, that must be novel. Videos tell the story. Pictures tell the story."

Alcatel-Lucent is attempting to address the needs of carriers, application/content providers, and ultimately end users, in a number of ways:

* It is bringing various parties together through efforts such as the 4G industry group called the ng Connect Program.

* It's making internal product developments, such as the Converged Backbone Transformation Solution, which is designed to unite optical transport and IP routing to enable carriers to run more efficient networks.

* It's pulling off strategic acquisitions, such as the recent buyout of content delivery network products company Velocix;

* And it is commercializing Bell Labs inventions and investing in startups outside of Alcatel-Lucent's walls, through Alcatel-Ventures, the New Jersey-based outfit that Wim Sweldens built from scratch a few years back. Products emerging from the group include the Wireless Network Guardian for carriers and theNonstop Laptop Guardian designed to help companies keep track of and manage portable computers.

Wim Sweldens says Alcatel-Lucent Ventures' mission is to commercialize and invest in developments that fit with Alcatel-Lucent's overall strengths and that can benefit from the technical, marketing and sales resources of a company with a $10 billion-plus market cap.

So far, the group has commercialized eight ventures. As for outside investment, details are scant, but Sweldens says the group generally targets later stage investments and a typical funding might run between $1 million and $10 million. "

Friday, February 11, 2011

ICO North America - Craig McCaw - Clearwire - DBSD - MSS Operators - MSS Spectrum

It seems to Me that ICO North America, Inc, ICO Global Communication, DBSD North America,Craig McCaw, Clearwire Corporation ARE all the Same Entity.. just Smoke and Mirrors and Now if DISH Network gains Control of DBSD and TerreStar ... then Sells to AT&T, I say thatCraig McCaw is really behind it all anyway...

ICO North America , Inc. ~ Smoke and Mirrors, BigTime

This Document is from "2005"

"ICO North America , Inc. (" ICO" or the "Company ) is a next-generation mobile satellite service MSS") operator with a unique and valuable opportunity to offer ubiquitous satellite and terrestrial wireless services through the United States. The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") has recently authorized MSS Operators to use MSS Spectrumterrestrially to provide integrated mobile satellit -terrestrial service offerings.

ICO is an advanced hybrid satellite-terrestrial system designed to provide voice, data and internet services with handsets similar to existing cellular phones. This system is expected to enable ICO to offer integrated satellite and terrestrial mobile services and is expected to be operational in July 2007.

ICO's business model strategic service providers who can incorporate ICO's capabilities to offer integrated satellite and terrestrial services to their customers. ICO is actively engaged in pursuing numerous strategic partner alliances.

The Company s system will be supported by nationwide spectrum granted to it by the FCC
ICO has already been granted 8 MHz of Spectrum and could potentially be granted up to 20 MHz.

ICO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ICO Global Communications (Holdings) Limited (the "Parent" ) (OTC: ICOHA), which is which is authorized to operate a global Medium Earth Orbit ("MEO" satellite system.

Wireless industry pioneer Craig McCaw, together with other key shareholders, have invested over $1.2 billion in the Parent since May 2000.

This Investment continues Craig McCaw vision of extending wireless communications with satellite capabilities.

Market Opportunity

The wireless sector has been among the strongest growth sectors in the communications
industry. With continued subscriber growth and the rapid roll-out of bandwidth - intensive
applications , such growth is expected to continue in the U.S. Forecasts for the next fiver years

* 75% increase in total wireless voice minutes of use ("MOUs");

* 50 million new wireless subscribers; and

*A four-fold increase in data revenues driven by bandwidth-intensive wireless
applications such as pictures , video, MP3s, email and games.

As a result of this dramatic growth of wireless traffic, to maintain even the current capacity
levels , wireless service providers will likely need to vastly increase their network capacity.

Despite MSS operators' broad geographic coverage and emergency service capabilities , they
have struggled to gain mass-market penetration and profitability. This is due to the limited
urban service coverage and large handset size of legacy systems. In order to create a more
efficient use for satellite spectrum, encourage the broad deployment of advanced satellite
services and improve industry economics, in February 2003, the FCC adopted an order giving
MSS operators authority to integrate an ancillary terrestrial component ("A TC") into their
networks, and thus use their assigned MSS Spectrum for Terrestrial and Satellite use.

On February 25, 2005, the FCC reaffirmed its earlier decision in support of MSS operators.

In addition, in June 2005, the last wireless carriers withdrew legal challenges to the FCC's A TC
decisions. These events essentially eliminated any regulatory uncertainty with ATC policy and
ensured that consumers would benefit from a combined satellite and terrestrial service offering

The ICO MSS/ATC System

ICO intends to capitalize on the rapid growth of the wireless sector and the recent FCC
reaffirmation of ATC by terrestrial system (the "ICO MSS/ATC
System ) to offer ubiquitous satellite and terrestrial wireless service throughout the U.S. The
ICO MSS/ATC System is being designed to support a full set of mass-market service offerings
including voice, video, Internet, public safety and telematics.

The System is expected to support any existing and future wireless protocols including GSM, COMA, OFDM and TCPIIP.

In addition , the system is being designed to utilize handsets that are similar in size and
function to existing cellular phones.

ICO' integrated satellite-terrestrial service is expected to facilitate the delivery of
sophisticated voice and data services to urban and rural customers, and to address growing
national security and public safety service needs by providing a redundant service offering to
existing terrestrial networks.

The Company's geostationary satellite application for U.S. coverage was approved in May 2005. In anticipation of this approval , on January 10th 2005 , the Company entered into a contract with Space Systems/Loral, Inc. ("SS/L") for construction of the GEO Satelliteand is currently in discussions with vendors regarding the build-out of the other components of the system.

SS/L completed the satellite critical design review in May 2005 and is currently on
schedule to meet future FCC milestones. In addition, SS/L has begun the physical
construction of the GEO Satellite with the entire system expected to be operational by the
FCC' s July 17, 2007 deadline.

The Company may form strategic partnerships with terrestrial carriers who will leverage their existing customer bases and assets to roll-out mass market wireless services.

ICO' s system is being designed to utilize at least the 8 MHz of nationwide spectrum already
granted to it by the FCC in the 2 GHz band , representing 2.4 billion MHz POPs.

In addition, on June 29, 2005, the FCC issued a public notice of its intent to grant an additional 5.33 MHz of 2 GHz spectrum to lCD, which the Company believes it is likely to receive in the next several months.

The FCC also issued a separate notice to distribute an additional 6.67 MHz of 2 GHz
spectrum to ICO. As a result, the Company s aggregate spectrum holding is expected to be
13.33 MHz and could be 20 MHz.

Competitive Advantages

The Company believes that its system should be able to leverage the advantages to capitalize on the growing demand for wireless services:

** ICO MSS/ATC System designed to support full portfolio of
mass market wireless services

** Nationwide integrated satellite-terrestrial service enabling ubiquitous coverage

** Handsets similar to current cellular phones.

** Proximity to PCS Spectrum and flexible architecture facilitates integration with
terrestrial partner

** Management and equity sponsors have significant satellite and cellular/PCS

Equity Sponsors

The Parent's significant equity sponsors include wireless pioneer Craig McCaw (through Eagle River Investments) and Clayton, Dubilier & Rice.

In 2000 , Eagle River led a $1. 2 billion investment to acquire the Parent and develop a global MEO System. This Investment continues Craig McCaw vision of extending wireless communications with satellite capabilities.

Craig McCaw is an active investor in wireless communications with current investments inNextel Communications and Clearwire Corporation (a leading U.S. based provider of wireless broadband services).

Clayton , Dubilier & Rice has made investments totaling over $5 billion to date and is one of the oldest and most respected private equity investment firms in the world.

ICO is seeking to raise $400 million in Convertible Senior Secured Notes to fund a portion of the costs to develop the ICO MSS/ATC System. These costs include the construction and launch of a GEO satellite and a related ground system.

The Company expects the notes to be secured on a first-priority basis by substantially all of the Company's assets with the exception of a carve-out for a working capital facility.

The Notes will be convertible at the holder's option into shares of common stock of the Company and under certain circumstances will be convertible at the holder s option into shares of common stock of the Parent.

Sources and Uses of Funds

The Company expects that the total funding needed to complete the MSS portion of the ICO
MSS/A TC System will be approximately $600 Million, excluding interest expense.

The system is expected to be completed in July 2007. In addition , construction of a ground spare satellite will be initiated upon execution of a strategic partnership for the terrestrial component.

This spare satellite is estimated to cost $175 to $225 million and is required to be available one year after the launch of ATC Services. The $400 Million (less fees and escrowed interest) of capital raised through this s cash requirements through the third quarter of 2006. "

So ICO was already granted Spectrum before 2005, and ICO Is Craig McCaw which is Clearwire .. Which is DBSD. XO Communications bankruptcy in the Summer of 2002 and Craig McCaw starts Clearwire in 2003 ( smoke and mirrors), Keep in Mind XO Communications filed Chapter 11 - What? and Still Billions Made Billions and Started New Companies to Make More Billions.

"In 1994, the McCaw brothers sold their company to AT&T for $11.5 billion. In the process, Craig McCaw himself became one of AT&T's largest Shareholders, but he refused to sit on the Board of Directors, allegedly because he dislikes long meetings.

Before Selling his company, McCaw personally took over one of its subsidiaries, Teledesic, with the intention of building a global network of 840 low-altitude satellites to provide Internet-likeTransmission of Digital Data to the most remote places of the Earth.

McCaw founded XO Communications to build his new telecom network, but by the end of 2001, the start-up found itself mired in $7 billion worth of debt. On June 17, 2002, XO filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection."

So What Craig McCaw does is take over Subsidiaries, to Get Rich Later? And somehow uses the Illusion of the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Courts to get out of Debt and yet buy Subsidiaries ( Smoke and Mirrors on Top of Smoke and Mirrors.) - then Changes the Name of the "Subsidiaries" Like XO Communications then uses this to creates Debt to buy other companies, then uses the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Courts as Smoke and Mirrors to create a Diversion while Craig McCaw - Creates, Takes Over, Gets in with another company like he is now with this Dish Network - Echostar Illusion ... Craig McCaw is ICO North America Inc. - Clearwire and DBSD.

Oh and Don't Forget, Craig McCaw createss "Equity Sponsors" (Eagle River Investments) to make more money from creating Debt Illusions, Loaning Money to Yourself, creating many companies... and well Smoke.. Smoke and Mirrors Galore..

Other Resources

Craig McCaw to Focus on Data-Centric ICO and Teledesic

And you the Consumers of the "Spectrum", the Phones, Radios, Internet ... YOU pay for their Billion Dollar Games and Illusion.

And the FCC should be working for you, instead they work for the Billionaires and you Pay them to Do that Too..

Got a Tip on ANY Craig McCaw Companies or "Skeletons" ? How about a tip on ANYTHING in this post or the Linked documents?

if So eMail me -
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger